
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ayurvedic Acupressure Therapy

Acupressure is one of China’s best gifts to the world. It is an ancient technique that combines principles of acupuncture and studied pressure application to cure illnesses and help in overall well-being of a person. It is an ancient medicine practice using the fingers, knuckle or other objects to create pressure on particular points in the body called meridians. It is similar to acupuncture, but the pressure replaces the needles. Acupressure has been practiced since ages to improve the flow of prana or life force through the body. Pressure is applied to certain specific areas of the body for about 30 seconds.
Although, simple reflexology is all that is required to bring about an immediate cure, in chronic cases Chinese acupuncture may be required. But, in the recent past, Ayurvedic Acupressure has been found to be extremely good in treating several ailments including thalasemia, platelet count, RBC count etc.
Ayurvedic Acupressure is a particular kind of massage or an alternative medical treatment, blending two ancient forms of medicine – Ayurveda and Acupressure. Both the approaches to health and wellness have been used by Asians and Indians for ages now. By utilizing both these methods, one can experience considerable relief from pain, improve blood circulation and even relieve stress and anxiety in some cases.
In Ayurveda the pressure points or the meridians are called Marma points. These are considered as energy points, just as Chinese refer them as pressure points, and they help in stimulating not only circulation, but also improve mental and emotional outlook. The Marma points are located throughout the body.
Depending on the location of the Marma, Ayurvedic Acupressure helps relieve pain and stiffness, improving oxygenated blood flow into the area serviced by the pressure point. For instance, the two paired points at the upper level of the shoulder near the neck, called Urdhva Skandha, when pressed simultaneously, can help relieve a pinched nerve, or can treat rotator cuff tendonitis. As for the emotional aspects, applying this sort of pressure at these points can relieve headaches, while also promoting calmness.
According to the ancient Indian ayurvedic text Charak Sanhita, Ayurvedic Acupressure is mainly based on study of ten basic elements. Each finger represents a different element – space, darkness, fire, water, air, time, earth, mind, direction and soul, and they all have a corresponding colour. Acupressure, when combined with colour therapy, can melt anger, relieve stress, induce happiness, and maintain weight. Every emotion is linked to a particular organ, so treating that particular organ is vital.
Research has revealed that acupressure treatment can control several illnesses to a certain extent, including AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, kidney failure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, osteophytes, disc prolapse, Pott Spine, paralysis, cerebral atrophy, changes in various spinal segments, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mania, mental retardedness, depression, mania, anemia deficiency, RBC, haemoglobin deficiency and even trigeminal neuralgia.
There are several acupressure exercises that could be done from home. But, it should be taught only by a trained and skilled practitioner. When executed as instructed, these exercises are sure to have a great impact on one’s lifestyle.

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